Magnetic anomalies of the ENAM-CSE region with broadband OBS shown as circles and colored by depth. East Coast Magnetic Anomaly (ECMA); Blake Spur Magnetic Anomaly (BSMA); Inner Magnetic Quiet Zone (IMQZ); Outer Magnetic Quiet Zone (OMQZ).
My research involves using ambient noise Rayleigh waves to image the relic flow patterns recorded in the lithosphere during continental breakup. We find azimuthal anisotropy with the fast direction parallel to the coastline, 90ยบ rotated from the paleo-spreading direction. This is at odds with the commonly accepted idea that the lithosphere records anisotropy parallel to the paleo-spreading direction. Our observations may be indicative of margin-parallel flow during the continental breakup. Alternatively, fast translation of the overall system relative to the slower breakup could have caused overprinting of the spreading signal by the plate motion signal.